The aim of the UTSU Student Organisations Development Fund is to support student organisation projects that contribute to the achievement of the goals of the University of Tartu Development Plan and increase the cohesion of the university and students.
The Development Fund has three application deadlines per year. The application deadlines for 2025 are February 23, April 27 and September 21. Applications are assessed by an evaluation committee consisting of the Student Union Board, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the Head of Development. The results will be announced within three weeks of the application deadline.
Requirements for project applications:
The applicant student organisation must be strongly connected to the University of Tartu*
The requested amount is at least 500 euros
All expenses of the planned project have been incurred by March 15, 2026
The project contributes to the implementation of the objective or objectives of the UT Development Plan
We support projects that contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the University of Tartu Development Plan and increase the coherence of the university and students. Projects must be innovative and engaging. In the case of traditional events, the event must have a novel aspect that makes this event special. We support student involvement across disciplines or institutes. We also value cooperation between several societies and/or organisations.
How to apply for money from the Development Fund?
Get to know the UT development plan
Develop a project concept that is ambitious, reaches many students and meets the requirements
Download the project application form
Fill out the form – answer the questions, fill in the action plan and budget tables
Send the project application form signed by the authorised signatory of the organisation to the email address
A person from UTSU will send a confirmation email if the application has been received and is suitable.
In case of a positive response and after the project is completed, a project activity report, a content and financial report of the costs, copies of documents proving the costs to be reimbursed, copies of registration forms (if the project is an event) and photos of the project, must be presented.
Academic organizations
Bioteaduste Üliõpilaste Selts (BÜS)
Eesti Arstiteadusüliõpilaste Selts (EAÜS)
Eesti Füüsikaüliõpilaste Selts
Eesti Hambaarstiüliõpilaste Liit
Eesti Psühholoogiaüliõpilaste Ühendus
Eesti Õigusteaduse Üliõpilaste Liit
EGEA-Tartu (geograafia erialaselts)
ELSA Estonia (õigusteaduse üliõpilaste organisatsioon)
Eripedagoogika ja Logopeedia Tudengite Selts
Matemaatika-Informaatika tudengiselts (MITS)
Haridusteaduste Instituudi Tudengiselts
Rahvusvaheliste Suhete Ring
Riigiteaduste Selts
Tartu Ülikooli Keemiaüliõpilaste Selts
Tartu Ülikooli Rohuteaduse Selts
Tartu Ülikooli Spordiesindus
Tartu Ülikooli Väitlusklubi
TÜ Investeerimisklubi
Ülikooli Kultuuriklubi
Üliõpilaskonna Sihtasutus (ÜKSA)
Kui organisatsioon ei kuulu nimekirja, hindab selle sobivust liikmelisuse alusel TÜ üliõpilaskonna juhatus.