Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu

The Night Library will be open from May 20 to June 7

The three-week night library begins this spring on May 20th. Organized together with the UT Student Council, the night library has been offering students the opportunity to study until midnight during the spring exams for over twenty years, and it is a tradition we wish to continue. Due to popular demand, therapy dogs and the ice cream truck will be back as well!

"From Monday to Friday, the library is open until midnight so that everyone can finish their theses and study for exams," said Olga Einasto, head of the Service Department. "Experience from previous years shows that many people take advantage of this opportunity, including those who may have rarely visited the library during the school year. The last month before graduation is indeed an intensive study period." Students have admitted that the library, with its peaceful environment, encourages concentration and thesis writing, making the night library extremely necessary for them.

Therapy dogs will be present again – they will delight all dog lovers on May 21st, 23rd, and 28th, as well as June 4th. More detailed information about therapy dogs will be available soon on the library's social media channels. The Ice Cream truck will be in front of the library building every Wednesday at 8pm.

The last day of the night library is June 7th.

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