Student representatives

UTSU’s members represent the students in all the University of Tartu’s governing bodies, which influence student life, studying, and teaching.

Institute student council

The institute student council members are the first to notice the bottlenecks and shortcomings in their institute’s studies or the study environment. As they predominantly form a fifth of the Institute’s Council, they are members with the right to speak there, and they can submit proposals for amendments.

Faculty student council

The faculty student council members keep an eye on the organisation and environment of the studies on a faculty level. They get a lot of help from their faculty’s institutes’ student representatives, with whom they have close cooperation. All faculty student council members compose the Student Parliament.

Student Parliament

The Student Parliament is the highest decision-making body of the student body. The Student Parliament elects the student body’s Board, approves the Student Union’s budget and adopts political positions.

Representatives of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Representatives of the Faculty of Science and Technology

Representatives of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Representatives of the Faculty of Medicine

Other governing bodies

The Monitoring Committee

The actions of the previously mentioned representatives, the student body’s board and generally the entire UT’s student body is reviewed by the student body’s Monitoring Committee, which monitors the aforementioned parties’ lawful and economically correct behaviour.

UT Senate’s student members

The UT Senate has five student representatives (student senators). The Senate is the university’s highest academic decision-making body, where they elect professors and decide on other important academic life issues.

Representatives at EÜL’s general meeting

The umbrella organisation for all the Estonian student unions is the Federation of Estonian Student Unions (aka EÜL), which stands for the students’ interests and rights on the national level. To do this, they are in constant contact with the Ministry of Education and Research and other parties so that the students’ voice would have weight and direction to it on the national level.

Representatives in other governing bodies

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