UTSU's structure

Photo of the structure of UTSU.

The University of Tartu has four faculties (science and technology, arts and humanities, social sciences, and medical sciences). Each faculty has its own institutes (for example, Institute of Social Studies), of which there are 32 in total across the university.


Almost all institutes (except one) have student councils with 1-6 student representatives. Student representatives participate in the work of the institute council and are the eyes and ears of the students at their institute.

ISC representatives also belong to the institute's council, making up one fifth (20%) of it and can submit proposals for changes. Contacts of the institute student representatives.


In addition to the institutes, each faculty also has a student council.

FSC representatives form the student parliament. The student parliament is the highest decision-making body of the student union, which elects the student union board, approves the student union budget and adopts political positions. Each faculty student council consists of 5 members (chairman, learning quality specialist, UTSU spirit, ISC master and communication specialist), in total the student parliament consists of 20 members.

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FSC’s also belong to the faculty council (similarly to the ISC’s, they mostly make up 20% of the council) and coordinate the work of the ISC’s. For the latter, the FSC’s prepare an annual action plan, coordinate activities and regularly advise the institute student councils. Contacts of the faculty student councils.


Student representatives also belong to the university's Senate, which is the highest academic decision-making body. There are 5 student members in the Senate, whose task is to be the voice of students in decision-making. It is therefore important that the members of the Senate are well informed about higher education issues both inside and outside the university, are courageous in expressing their opinions and standing up for students. At the same time, it is important to establish good contacts with other members of the Senate, so that there are better opportunities to find common ground on important issues. Contacts of UT students, who are Senate members.


The work of the student union is coordinated by the board and bureau. The board consists of the chairman and up to two vice-chairmen, who are elected by the student parliament for a two-year term. The board’s task is to represent the student body of the University of Tartu, implement the decisions of the student parliament, prepare the draft budget of the student union, prepare the rough drafts of regulations and legal drafts of the student parliament, and coordinate the activities of the student councils.

In carrying out the work, the board is assisted by the bureau, which includes a legal advisor, a political advisor, a development advisor, a marketing specialist, a communications specialist, an interpreter and an office manager. Contacts of the board and bureau.


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The entire work of the student union is audited by the monitoring committee (MTC), which has 4 members. The task of the members, according to the MTC’s internal agreements, of the monitoring committee is to review and support the activities of the respective student union team (for example, FSC or the board) throughout the academic year, if necessary, to remind them of important tasks and deadlines, and to provide feedback on goals. In addition, each student union member can contact the MTC if they feel that they want to address a problem within the student union that cannot be solved independently. Contacts of the members of the monitoring committee.


In addition, UTSU is a member of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL). The Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) is an umbrella organisation of students, the aim of which is to stand up for the rights, needs and interests of students at the national level and to support student representatives in their work. EÜL participates in the development of policies concerning students, making proposals and explanatory work towards the Parliament of Estonia, the Government of the Republic, ministries, higher education institutions and social partners. EÜL’s highest decision-making body is the general meeting, which includes representatives from all 14 member student unions (including UTSU!). The general meeting decides on the general directions and policies of the union, approves the action plan, adopts the budget and elects the board. UT representatives at the EÜL general meeting.

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