Nooruse 1
50411 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
+372 737 5286

Institute of Pharmacy

Karin Kogermann
Head of Institute, Professor in Physical Pharmacy
PhD (Pharmacy)
+372 737 5288
Nooruse 1-708
Jyrki Tapio Heinämäki
Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
dr. pharm.
+372 737 5281
Nooruse 1-715
Ain Raal
Professor in Pharmacognosy
cand (Pharmacy)
+372 737 5287
+372 502 7574 (5288)
Nooruse 1-716
Nureddin A Shammakhi
Visiting Professor
Urve Paaver
Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology
PhD (Pharmacy)
+372 737 5282
Ivo Laidmäe
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 0.9 p
PhD (Pharmacy)
Nooruse 1-629
Andres Meos
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 0.8 p
cand (Biology)
+372 737 5197
Daisy Volmer
Associate Professor
PhD (Pharmacy)
+372 737 5284
Nooruse 1-628
Jana Lass
Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy 0.4 p, Programme Director
PhD (Medicine)
+372 731 8333
Taavi Lehto
Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Biohnology 0.2 p
PhD (Biomedical Engineering)
Meeme Utt
Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 0.7 p
PhD (Microbiology)
+372 737 4230
+372 737 5285
Andres Lust
Lecturer 0.7 p, Research Fellow 0.3 p
PhD (Pharmacy)
+372 737 5298
Nooruse 1-624, Nooruse 1-624
Liis Preem
Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Analysis 0.5 p, Research Fellow in Pharmaceutical Analysis 0.5 p
+372 737 5197
Nooruse 1-626, Nooruse 1-626
Janne Sepp
Junior Lecturer in Pharmacognosy 0.3 p
MSc (Pharmacy)
Nooruse 1-605
Kristjan Olado
Junior Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Technology 0.2 p
+372 737 5291
Nooruse 1-714
Kelli Randmäe
Junior Research Fellow in Physical Pharmacy
MSc (Pharmacy)
+372 737 5292
Nooruse 1-604
Oksana Gerulis
Junior Research Fellow in Physical Pharmacy
MSc (Gene Technology)
Kairi Lorenz
Junior Lecturer in Pshysical Pharmacy (employment contract suspended) 0.1 p
MSc (Pharmacy)