In total, 176 students and 111 staff members of the University of Tartu registered to participate in the challenge from 1 to 30 April. During the month, they took nearly 49 million steps.
The largest number of students, 67, signed up from the Faculty of Medicine. From the Faculty of Social Sciences, there were 49; from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 43; and from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 17 students. A group of UT staff members took the most steps – almost 22 million – in the overall challenge.
From staff members, Kersti Kuusemäe, Kerli Kraus and Tiia Laansoo took the most steps. The most active students were Aet Treial, Talvi Allik and Liisabet Urm from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities; Agnes Lupp, Hedi Põllu and Kadi-Liis Peiponen from the Faculty of Social Sciences; Elena Mezelainen, Eliise Veltri and Mirjam Lember from the Faculty of Medicine; and Kaur Kullamäe, Riin Viigipuu and Rainer Valo from the Faculty of Science and Technology.
In each category (staff, HV, SV, MV and LT), the three university members with the highest number of steps will receive an award.
Also, three gift sets were raffled off among participants. The sets of a headband and a buff from the sports club and a 50-euro voucher from the UT gift shop went to Karmen Moont, Merle Põder and Kersti Pussa.
All winners will be contacted by email. They will receive the gifts from Juhan Kari at the university’s gift shop (Ülikooli 18–104) on weekdays 12–16.
Throughout Estonia, 7,232 schoolchildren, teachers, lecturers, students and educational staff participated in the Spring Steps 2024 challenge. The participants walked more than one billion steps in April, an average of more than 6,000 steps per day.