Election of the candidates for the monitoring committee of the University of Tartu Student Union, the UT Senate and the General Assembly of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions

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In addition to electing representatives into the Student Union, UTSU also elects student representatives into other governing bodies. Among them are the Monitoring Committee of the University of Tartu Student Union, the Senate of the University of Tartu, and the Federation of Estonian Student Union's General Assembly. You do not have to be a representative in the Student Union to apply. You can apply until May 12.

The Monitoring Committee of the University of Tartu Student Union reviews the implementation of the goals, fulfilment of work duties and legality of UTSU. All members of the University of Tartu Student Union or alumni of the Student Union, who have applied in accordance with the statutes and election rules of the Student Union, can run for the Monitoring Committee.
The mandate of the Monitoring Committee lasts one year, or, until their membership is withdrawn by the Student Parliament. More information on the work organisation of the Monitoring Committee can be found in the rules of procedure of the University of Tartu Student Union.

Submit an application to be a candidate for the monitoring committee of UTSU HERE.

The Senate is the University's highest academic decision-making body and it is responsible for the university's teaching, research and development activities, and ensures its quality. The Senate consists of the rector as the chairman of the Senate and up to 21 members, of which students make up at least 1/5. Student representatives are elected by the Student Parliament.
The Parliament can elect four members to the Senate, and all faculties and education levels must be represented within them. One member of the student union board is appointed as the fifth student representative. The Senate's work and materials are generally in Estonian, which is why a very good knowledge of Estonian is a prerequisite for applying.

Submit an application to be a student representative to the UT Senate HERE.

Do you want to have a say in the field of higher education policy? The highest decision-making body of the Federation of Estonian Student Union (EÜL) is the General Assembly, which includes representatives from all 14 member student unions. The General Assembly decides, for example, on the general policies of the Union, approves the action plan, adopts the budget, and elects the Management Board. The meetings are held at least twice a year and participation is mandatory.
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the organisation. The University of Tartu Student Union (UTSU) is represented by eight students, one of whom is a member of the UTSU Board, but all students at the University of Tartu can apply for the other seven positions.

Submit an application for the General Assembly of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions HERE.

The application period will end on 12 May 2024, and the representatives will be elected on 23 May 2024 at 18.15 in the Senate Hall during the Student Parliament meeting. If you are running, it would be good if you could be present at this meeting so that the Student Parliament of UTSU can ask questions if necessary.

If you have any questions, please contact the President of the University of Tartu Student Union, Renar Kihho (renar.kihho@ut.ee).

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