Good practice of learning

The good practice of learning assumes that the student tries their best so that studying and teaching would be collaborative.

The prerequisite for studying well is bilateral motivation: the student’s task is to choose a speciality that interests them, set goals for their studies and actively participate in the studies that are well thought out and prepared by the university and supported by supervising and counselling.

The good practice of learning is a part of the university’s good practices.

Good learning is purposed and structured

A part of good learning is setting goals for each lecture or seminar, the entire course, and
curriculum which support individual motivation, preparation and development. The learner
gives meaning to their activities and analyses what to do and what for and chooses the
appropriate measures to do it.
In order to give meaning it is important to have structured learning. The student gets
acquainted with the structure of the curriculum and modules, the main tasks and learning
outcomes, plans and divides their workload and makes connections between
courses. Completing the curriculum should be approached as an integral task which is based
on the knowledge and viewpoints that are acquired upon completing the curriculum. The
student demonstrates their skill to apply the acquired knowledge with the final thesis or
exam. It is important to understand how studies support the achievement of broader future
plans and goals.

Good learning includes self-reflection and analysis of studies

Learning is a process. The student reflects on their studies by analysing their own
development and how it has been supported during the studies and by analysing the
achievement of their goals. On the basis of this the student sets new goals and develops
himself/herself, proceeding from the principles of lifelong learning.
Well-thought-out and substantial feedback on the activity of the teaching staff, course and
curriculum helps increase the efficiency of the learning experience of the student and others.
Being constructively critical if necessary but never inconsiderate or rude, the student gives
feedback also during the course so it could be taken into account in studies immediately.

Good learning is focused, open and investigative

The base of learning is curiosity and openness to new viewpoints and knowledge. The student
participates actively in all forms of study. Studies focuses on acquiring basic knowledge and
achieving original results based on this. The student looks for connections between
specialisations and relates theory to practice and experience to what they have learned.
Learning also includes student mobility, practical training, interdisciplinary studies,
participation in professional associations and other extracurricular activities which support
learning and professional development.

Good learning requires preparation

Motivation and curiosity do not substitute diligence; preparation and independent learning
are required to achieve each learning outcome. The student does preparatory work before
contact-based study and goes through the required materials before seminars and practical

Good learning is done in cooperation with fellow students

Learning in the university includes learning in a group. When doing group work, students work
together to achieve common goals, they also support each other in achieving individual goals.
Equal division of work and valuing everyone’s work is important in group work. This type of
cooperation serves several purposes: developing transferable skills, diversifying learning
methods and shaping academic culture.

Good learning is done in cooperation with teaching staff and supervisors

Cooperation is based on openness to new knowledge, asking questions without false shame
and initiating discussions. In addition to work done in lectures and seminars, individual
studies and research work is also important and requires cooperation with the supervisor.
The student’s initiative and determination and also a respectful and honest communication
with the teaching staff and supervisors are important. This also requires complying with the
study regulations, set deadlines, agreed times and general good practices.

Good learning is ethical

Good learning is honest and ethical and respects academic practices. Good learning excludes
plagiarism, cheating and other dishonest methods. In doing studies and research work,
especially in case of research on humans and other living beings, the student complies with
ethical requirements. The student does not engage in irrelevant activities and is awake and
sober during learning activities. If the student notices that fellow students or teaching stuff
violate good academic practice they react in an appropriate manner.

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