Senior Specialist of International R&D Cooperation
MSc (Natural Resources Management)
participation in EU research and innovation partnerships (KIC, FET, JPI, JTI, cPPP, Cofund) and collaborative initiatives of international research organisations and research infrastructures (ESFRI)
statistics and analysis of research and development activities, confirming ETIS publications and coordination of funding for research collections, research funding database Research Professional
Senior administrator of the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS) at the university, research grants, incl. the environment programme of the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK), national programme “Estonian language and cultural memory” (EKKM), national programme for Estonian Language Technology (EKT), national programme “Support for Estonian-language Terminology”, conference support, higher education textbooks
Centres of excellence; RITA, Mobilitas Plus top researcher grant, postdoctoral researcher grant, returning researcher grant; postdoctoral grant of personal research funding
research grants, incl. s, start-up grants and search grants of personal research funding; Mobilitas Plus training courses and study visits for researchers, MOBERC grants, ERA NET, Fenno-Ugria
University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA: submitting payment applications and coordinating replies to queries, research and educational measure of the Just Transition Fund). National funding: service projects, support projects in the field of education
CV in Estonian Research Information System