Starting from March 24, it is possible to apply for the position of a student representative of the University of Tartu, both faculty and institute. All students at the University of Tartu, who wish to stand up for the interests and needs of students and together make the university better, can apply.
According to Renar Kihho, Chairman of the University of Tartu Student Union (UTSU), as a student representative, on the one hand, it is possible to represent the interests of students, but on the other hand, it is also possible to acquire new skills and create friendships. “The role of a representative teaches you how to resolve conflicts, cooperate with other students and lecturers, and shows the other side of the university. Thanks to the contacts and experiences you create, being a member of the Student Union is like an investment for life,” says Kihho.
You can apply to the Student Union as a student representative of both the faculty and the institute on UTSU’s website from March 24 to April 6. While the student representative of the faculty (FSC) speaks out on issues concerning the entire faculty, the student representative of the institute (ISC) deals with issues concerning the students at their own institute. The mandate of both student representatives lasts for one year, which will come into effect on 1 July of this year.
Different faculties have different numbers of student representatives, which results from the number of institutes in the faculty, of which 20% of the council members are student representatives. In addition, each faculty council has five student representatives who form the student parliament (20 members in total). There are a total of 131 student representative positions across the university, divided between the four faculties of the University of Tartu as follows:
Medicine - 30 positions;
Arts and Humanities - 36 positions;
Social Sciences - 32 positions;
Science and Technology - 38 positions.
The work of student representatives in the faculties and institutes is coordinated by the Student Union board together with the bureau. The upcoming elections will be the last for the current board of the Student Union – in June it is also possible to run for the position of the Student Union Chairman or Co-Chairman (2 positions). Additional information about the upcoming elections is available on the Student Union website.