Student representative Eneken Riin Salong: the representative experience is exactly what you make it

Eneken Riin Salong, who is studying Government and Politics, was motivated by the desire to improve herself and apply for the University of Tartu Student Union (UTSU). Now, almost eight months later, she feels that working as a student representative gives her so much – skills and experience, new relationships and opportunities to test herself.

Eneken is a third-year student of Government and Politics (BA), who leads the Social Sciences Faculty Student Council (SVÜK) and is a member of the student council of the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies. She found her way to UTSU last spring, although she had wanted to join earlier. “I applied in the spring of my first year, but then I was not selected – people did not know me well enough. However, in my second year, I came into contact with UTSU again due to various circumstances, and applying for a representative seemed like a good way to improve myself and develop my skills,” she said. That is how she fared better in the elections last spring and got the necessary votes.

Where there is a will, there is a way

If Eneken did not imagine the job of a student representative very well when she ran for the Student Union, now everything has already fallen into place. "As the chairwoman of SVÜK, I make sure things move along - I keep people informed, organise trips to Narva and Pärnu colleges, and prepare meetings. I also maintain relationships with student representatives from the institutes and I am there if anything needs to be done," she described. In the student council of the Skytte Institute, she performs the duties of a communications specialist and manages the newly created network of course parents and programme board members, which has helped take communication between students and management to a new level.

Eneken Riin Salong
Eneken Eesti Üliõpilaste Liidu üldkoosolekul / Eneken at the general meeting of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions (author: Erakogu)

Although Eneken has only been a member of the Student Union for a little over half a year, she has already managed to do her fair share. For example, last fall, she and the institute’s student council organised a World Café, the aim of which was to gather feedback on the quality of education, mental health and a sense of community in the form of a discussion. “The turnout was very good. Now we have started working with the institute’s management to pass on the guidelines and goals developed at the event to them and thereby improve the lives of students,” she said.

Eneken also highlighted the work of the Student Parliament on the topic of higher education funding as a significant achievement – together, UTSU’s positions were formulated and, together with the student council of the Arts and Humanities faculty, a preamble was created. She also praised her teammates, who are active and initiative people. “I can be satisfied with the work of SVÜK, because we have not just gone there to show our faces, but we try to think along, be present and take action,” said Eneken. Currently, awarding a scholarship to a representative of the Social Sciences faculty and the organisation of a student conference are still in progress.

The courage to speak up and contribute

Eneken says she has developed a lot as a student representative. “I think it was in November when I realised that I have more courage to speak up and I do not mind speaking up anymore. At first, speaking in the faculty council seemed very scary – now it is somehow easier,” she said. Eneken also feels that she is better at resolving conflicts and leading a team than before – you have to get along well and cooperate effectively even with people you do not know that well.

Eneken ja SVÜK
Sotsiaalteaduste valdkonna üliõpilaskogu 2025. aasta esimene koosolek Tõllakuuris / The first meeting of 2025 of the Social Sciences faculty student council at Tõllakuur (author: erakogu)

Eneken recommends that anyone interested in running for student representative apply. She cited one SVÜK member as an example, who ran to expand their circle of acquaintances. “Even if new acquaintances seem like a useless investment now, they can pay off in the future. There are active and diligent people in UTSU who will probably go very far and whose knowledge will be useful,” she said. This way, you can make friends with people you otherwise would not have met during your time at university. After all, the Student Union experience is exactly what you make it, she says. "It can be very easy – you just show up and show your face. But then you miss out on half the experience," Eneken said.

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