Submit a candidate for the title of the teaching staff of the year!

Aasta õppejõudude aumärgid
Andres Tennus
Aasta õppejõud humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkonnas on Olga Schihalejev

Once again, there is an opportunity to nominate candidates for the title of the teaching staff of the year. The University of Tartu Teaching staff of the Year Award honours one academic employee from the faculty of arts and humanities, one from the faculty of social sciences, one from the faculty of medical sciences, and one from the faculty of science and technology, who has distinguished themselves with very good teaching skills in the previous year. The prize has been awarded since 2006. The teaching staff of the year award is presented by the rector at a festive event organised to celebrate the independence of Estonia in February. The awardee will be given a certificate and a monetary reward.

We believe that we all have experiences with nice teaching staff who make eyes shine with their interesting lectures and raise interest in the field. Let's remember these hard workers and recognise them with an award they definitely deserve!

Nominations can be submitted until December 20.

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